About gamutmap and freieFarbe e.V.


Proof GmbH is a member of the freieFarbe e.V. (freeColour Association).
Founded in 2016 by German and Swiss colour professionals, freeColour is a non-profit association registered in Germany.
We want to share tips and hints how to create consistent colour in all fields of application and how the world of colour could be easier. And we want to show: the computer is an ideal tool for colour, it can make colour free!

At the moment, when working with colour, people rely on commercial colour collections that are internally incalculable and hardly compatible with each other. We would like to point out alternatives. Better colour models are available in every computer! Free colour is not only well possible, but also beneficial for all involved parties. If free, non-commercial colour becomes established, this is a revolution in the colour sector – colour would be much easier to use and much more predictable. However, this requires new tools and a bit of persuasion …
Together we have developed the freeColour CIELAB HLC Colour Atlas XL, which was the starting point for Gamutmap.

A few months ago, the DIN SPEC 16699 "Open Colour Communication" was published and is now available for free download from DIN at Beuth-Verlag.

Matthias Betz from Proof GmbH, Holger Everding from DTP Studio Oldenburg, Jan-Peter Homann from Homann Colormanagement in Berlin and Eric. A Soder from Pixsource in Switzerland, all members of the freeColour Association, have shown in the bilingual DIN specification a way to create high-precision colour samples based on open source, license-free standards and shown ways for cross-media colour communication.

The 44-page PDF is bilingual in German and English and can be ordered directly from Beuth Verlag, which distributes the DIN standards in Germany, and downloaded free of charge after a short registration.

DIN SPEC 16699 Offene Farbkommunikation / Open Colour Communication

Proof GmbH is a service provider for the printing industry based in Germany. We produce colour accurate and legally binding contract proofs according to all international printing standards.
Proof GmbH Fogra certified for "Contract Proof Creation" and PDFX-ready certified for the proof output of PDF/X-4 files.